In this new episode of The Animashow, Sabry’s guests are “Ultraman Rising” new Netflix animated movie’s co-directors: Shannon Tindle and John Aoshima. This is a brand new adaptation of the iconic Japanese Superhero created in 1966 by Eiji Tsuburaya, co-creator of the Godzilla and Ultraman franchises. Tsuburaya is considered one of the most important and influential figures in the history of cinema. The movie follows the story of Ken Sato, a young man who is forced to become Ultraman, a superhero, after his father is injured. TThis film blends action, comedy, and drama, showcasing breathtaking visuals influenced by Japanese animation and live-action cinema. As a result, viewers can witness Ken Sato transform into a towering 40-meter Ultraman, racing off to confront a variety of fantastical creatures. This is exactly what audiences expect from an Ultraman movie! We also explore deep themes of family, responsibility, and the struggle between personal desires and duty. Throughout the vibrant worlds of manga, video games, and films, Ultraman has stood as the ultimate protector, fighting against monstrous beings both on land and in the sea. This iconic character cleverly symbolizes the real-world challenges that threaten humanity.Co-Directors and lifelong friends, Shannon and John.explained to Sabry that they aimed to create a story that everyone can relate to, regardless of their background. And they made it happen! A must see.